FFRC Issues Warning to All Private Schools in Jammu and Kashmir

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FFRC Issues Warning to All Private Schools in Jammu and Kashmir

The Jammu and Kashmir Committee for Fixation and Regulation of Fee Of Private Schools (FFRC) has issued a stern warning to private schools regarding the imposition of hefty admission fees. Additionally, the Committee has directed schools to refrain from collecting advance fees.

According to reports from the news agency , FFRC delivered this cautionary message while addressing concerns raised against R.P School LawayPora, one of Srinagar’s prominent private educational institutions.

The Committee responded to a series of complaints alleging that the school charged students a hefty sum of Rs 45,000 as an admission fee.

It is worth noting that FFRC had previously circulated instructions to all schools, explicitly prohibiting the imposition of admission fees as per statutory regulations.

The Committee emphasized that any school found demanding admission fees without providing proper receipts would be subject to investigation. Upon receiving complaints from various sources, notices were issued to the school management, summoning them to appear before the Committee for Fixation and Regulation of Fee of Private Schools Jammu and Kashmir on February 15, 2024.

During the hearing, the school’s representative confirmed that Rs. 45,000 was collected from students for the current academic session.

However, they denied charging any admission fee, clarifying that the amount constituted an advance payment covering six months of tuition fees, annual fees, transportation charges, and registration fees.

To further clarify the matter, the school’s principal and other management members were summoned on February 26, 2024. The principal reiterated the representative’s statement, asserting that no admission fee was collected, only an advance fee for tuition, annual fees, and transportation for six months.

Following deliberations, the Committee determined that the tuition, annual, and transportation fees were set at a higher rate, necessitating adjustments in favor of the students. If fees were found to be excessive, the excess amount would be refunded or adjusted accordingly.

Based on the school’s management stance and the submitted undertaking, FFRC concluded that the Rs. 45,000 collected constituted an advance fee for tuition, annual fees, and transportation charges.

Furthermore, the Committee issued a clear directive, instructing schools to refrain from such practices of charging hefty admission fees in violation of statutory regulations.

Schools engaging in this practice have been warned to discontinue immediately to adhere to the regulations set forth by FFRC

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