J&K Govt To Provide Unique IDs For Srinagar Homes, Details Here

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Jammu and Kashmir Government to Provide Unique IDs for Srinagar Homes

In a move aimed at streamlining services and enhancing digital accessibility, the Jammu and Kashmir government is set to provide Unique Identification Numbers (UIDs) to more than 200,000 households in Srinagar. This initiative seeks to collect vital data about each household, including their address, family size, utility bills, and other essential information.

Under the ambit of the Digital India program, the government plans to compile comprehensive records of residents, encompassing property details such as property type, dimensions, and location.

However, some residents of Srinagar are expressing concerns that this could be a preliminary step towards implementing property taxes in the region.

In response to these concerns, Arun Kumar Mehta, Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir, reassured the public. “In the digital age, we aim to eliminate the need for lengthy office visits and queues. Srinagar leads in online services among Union territories. The idea is to bring government services to the people, reducing the need for them to visit government offices,” he explained.

The Unique IDs won’t be limited to residential properties alone; commercial buildings, streets, and heritage sites will also receive identification numbers. Ather Aamir, Commissioner of Srinagar Municipality, emphasized that these IDs are solely for address identification and do not relate to property taxes.

He stated, “We have surveyed over 230,000 premises, distinguishing between residential and commercial properties while also assessing infrastructure like drainage, water, and electricity. The streets have been numbered, and we are implementing a digital city planning system. This includes the placement of metal boards with QR codes outside houses, creating a more efficient urban planning system.”

Last year, when the Jammu and Kashmir UT government proposed property taxes in urban areas, it faced significant opposition from political parties, civil societies, and trade unions. In response, the administration postponed the decision.

With the current move to issue UID numbers and register household details in Srinagar, the property tax debate has resurfaced. Regional political parties have also criticized the issuance of Unique Identification Numbers (UIDs) to Srinagar residents.

The government’s intention is to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of public services through digitization while clarifying that this initiative is separate from property tax considerations.

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