KPDCL Cracks Down on Illegal Power Usage: Notices Issued to Violators

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KPDCL Cracks Down on Illegal Power Usage: Notices Issued to Violators

Srinagar, May 28: Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) is intensifying efforts to curb illegal power consumption in the region. In the past six months alone, the corporation has conducted over 1.90 lakh inspections, resulting in a staggering fine of Rs. 27.74 crore imposed on violators.

Consumers found guilty of hooking and meter bypassing are being served notices, with copies forwarded to the relevant police stations for further action. The corporation’s spokesperson emphasized the seriousness of the issue, highlighting the potential for permanent disconnection and legal consequences under the Electricity Act.

Inspection squads are actively patrolling designated areas, identifying instances of power theft such as meter tampering and exceeding sanctioned load limits. The focus is on preventing large-scale pilferage, with field staff conducting thorough inspections at the subdivision level.

Efforts to recover dues from offenders are underway, with Rs. 11.04 crore already collected. Those failing to settle their bills face penalties, including reflected charges in subsequent billing cycles. FIRs are being registered against offenders, with additional measures planned to address the issue effectively.

The central Inspection Squad of KPDCL has played a crucial role, conducting 4,110 inspections and identifying numerous cases of meter tampering. Remote disconnection is being pursued for confirmed cases, ensuring swift action against perpetrators.

Addressing the need for load revision in flat-rated areas, the spokesperson emphasized the importance of reducing losses in the distribution system. Consumers are urged to use electricity responsibly, with measures in place to incentivize compliance, including amnesty schemes for late payments.

In light of these efforts, consumers are reminded to adhere to legal usage norms, ensuring reliable and quality power supply for all. The corporation remains committed to enforcing regulations and promoting responsible energy consumption in the region.

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