New Power Cut Plan Released Amid Heat Wave in Jammu and Kashmir

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New Power Cut Plan Released Amid Heat Wave in Jammu and Kashmir

As scorching temperatures continue to grip Jammu and Kashmir, authorities have rolled out a new power curtailment schedule to cope with the surging demand amidst the ongoing heat wave.

Effective immediately, urban areas will experience four-hour power cuts, while rural regions will endure eight-hour outages daily.

The Jammu Power Development Corporation Ltd (JPDCL) outlined the three-shift curtailment schedule across the division, dividing the cuts into morning, afternoon, and evening periods.

According to JPDCL officials, the decision stems from the escalating need for domestic electricity, exacerbated by the relentless heat wave that has persisted for over two weeks.

This demand intensified notably after May 16, when temperatures breached the 40-degree Celsius mark for the first time this season in Jammu.

The new measures aim to balance energy distribution amidst rising consumption, providing relief to both urban and rural residents grappling with the heat wave’s effects.

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