Alert: Heavy Snowfall Forecast in Kashmir, Travel Advisory Issued for Key Routes

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Alert: Heavy Snowfall Forecast in Kashmir, Travel Advisory Issued for Key Routes

Residents of Kashmir are preparing for a significant weather event as heavy snowfall is forecasted for the region this weekend. The Kashmir Meteorological Department has issued a travel advisory cautioning residents and travelers about potential disruptions to transportation and daily activities.

The weather system, expected to bring isolated heavy snow over higher reaches on February 20th, follows heavy to very heavy snowfall experienced in scattered places on February 19th.

Authorities are closely monitoring the situation and have warned of possible road closures, particularly on key routes such as Sinthan Pass, Mughal Road, Zojila Pass, Razdan Pass, and NH-44.

With the possibility of road closures and disruptions to surface traffic, authorities have urged travelers to exercise caution and stay updated on the latest developments.

Travelers planning to traverse higher reaches, passes, or tourist destinations are advised to obtain information regarding vehicular movement from the relevant departments before embarking on their journeys.

The anticipated heavy snowfall is expected to impact traffic flow at higher reaches and passes, potentially affecting supply and transportation in hilly areas for several days. Farmers have been advised to take precautionary measures, including withholding irrigation and fertilizer application and draining excess water from orchards and fields during the snowfall period.

In addition to disruptions in transportation and agricultural activities, residents in snowbound areas are reminded to avoid venturing into sloppy and avalanche-prone areas for their safety.

Authorities emphasize the importance of monitoring alerts and weather reports for timely warnings and updates as the weather situation evolves.

As Kashmir braces for heavy snowfall, residents and travelers are urged to stay informed, exercise caution, and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and well-being amidst the challenging weather conditions.

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