J&K Government Issues New Rules on Vehicle Purchases

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J&K Government Issues New Rules on Vehicle Purchases

In a noteworthy development, the Jammu & Kashmir Union Territory administration announced a series of financial prudence measures on Monday.

The Finance department issued directives, emphasizing that revenue expenditure should not exceed 30% of the revised budget allocation for the final quarter of the current fiscal year. Furthermore, in March, the expenditure is to be restricted to 15% of the allocated budget.

The Finance department stressed that payments in the last month of the fiscal year should only be made for executed works and previously procured goods and services.

Additionally, it urged departments to avoid a sudden surge in expenditure on goods and services to ensure compliance with procedural norms and prevent unnecessary spending.

To monitor adherence to these directives, Director Finance(s)/Financial Advisor(s) have been instructed to oversee these aspects in their respective departments.

The government has imposed a 10% budget cut on various allocations, including OE, LTC, POL, travel, advertisements, publicity, hospitality, and sumptuary activities. It emphasized the need for utmost economy in organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops, discouraging events outside J&K.

A complete ban has been placed on holding meetings and conferences at private hotels, urging the utilization of government buildings/halls instead. Additionally, there is a 10% budget cut on the allocation for the conduct of camps, conferences, and seminars.

The government strongly discouraged the purchase of new vehicles, allowing exceptions only for critical operational requirements with a 20% reduction against condemnation. Travel expenditure must align with the revised allocated budget, with a specific prohibition on international travel without Finance Department approval. A 10% economy cut has been imposed on the travel expenses budget for 2023-24.

Official dinners and lunches are now subject to a complete ban, except when hosted by the chief secretary and Lieutenant Governor or with specific approval from the Lieutenant Governor.

Moreover, the creation of new posts is prohibited, and filling regular posts requires approval through JKSSB/JKPSC routes and Finance Department concurrence.

The order also identifies posts vacant for over two years for surrender, discouraging their revival unless under rare and unavoidable circumstances with Finance Department clearance.

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