Weather Forecast: Rain and Snowfall Expected in Jammu and Kashmir

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The meteorological department in Jammu and Kashmir has issued a weather forecast indicating the likelihood of rain in the plains and snowfall in the higher reaches on October 9 and 10. This forecast comes as important information for the residents and stakeholders in the region. Let’s dive into the details of the weather prediction and its implications.

Rainfall in Kashmir

  1. Brief Rainfall in Isolated Areas: Over the next 24 hours, there is a possibility of brief rainfall occurring at isolated places in Kashmir. This announcement serves as a heads-up for residents to be prepared for potential changes in weather conditions.

Weather Outlook for October 8

  1. Fair to Partly Cloudy Weather: On October 8, both Jammu and Kashmir regions can expect fair to partly cloudy weather. This should provide a pleasant atmosphere for the locals.

Rain and Snowfall Predictions

  1. Rain and Snowfall on October 9 and 10: The meteorological department predicts that there is a 70-80% chance of rain and snowfall in the higher reaches of Jammu and Kashmir on the evening of October 9 and throughout the day on October 10. This forecast is essential for those planning outdoor activities or travel during this period.

Upcoming Days

  1. Dry Weather from October 11 to 13: Following the rain and snowfall, the weather is expected to clear up. From October 11 to 13, mainly dry weather conditions are anticipated.
  2. Dry Weather from October 14 to 20: The region is likely to experience mainly dry weather from October 14 to 20. However, there is a slight chance of a brief spell of rain or snowfall in the higher reaches, although the probability is relatively low.

Important Advisory for Farmers

  1. Postpone Harvesting on October 9th: The weatherman has issued an important advisory to farmers, urging them to postpone harvesting activities scheduled for October 9th, especially during the evening and 10th, due to the expected rain and snowfall. This precautionary measure can help protect crops and ensure a successful harvest.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the likelihood of rain in Kashmir in the next 24 hours?

  • There is a possibility of brief rainfall at isolated places in Kashmir over the next 24 hours.

2. What can we expect on October 8 in Jammu and Kashmir?

  • On October 8, both regions can anticipate fair to partly cloudy weather.

3. When is the main activity of rain and snowfall expected in Jammu and Kashmir?

  • The main activity of rain and snowfall is forecasted for the evening of October 9 and throughout the day on October 10.

4. What weather conditions are expected from October 11 to 13?

  • Mainly dry weather conditions are expected from October 11 to 13.

5. Should farmers postpone harvesting on October 9th?

  • Yes, the weatherman advises farmers to postpone harvesting activities on October 9th due to the expected rain and snowfall.
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